アリジゴクに関する文献(松良俊明 2012/00/00作成・掲載 ) Bibliography on the study of ant-lions. (by Toshiaki MATSURA)        
著者名 (Author) (Year) 表題 (Title) 掲載誌 (Journal) (Volume) (Page) 内容 (Contents)
Ábraha'm, L. 2003 Temperature tolerance and predatory strategy of pit-building ant-lion larvae (Neuropera: Myrmeleontidae). Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 38 167-179 温度
Adams, N.B. 1936 Ant-lions. Australian Museum Magazine 6 22-25 Callistoleon erythrocephalus
Adams, P.A. 1959 Insects of Micronesia. Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae and Crysopidae. Insects of Mycronesia 8 13-33  
Alcock, J. 1972 The evolution of the use of tools by feeding animals. Evolution 26 464-473 進化
Allen,G.R. and D.B. Croft 1985 Soil particle size and the pit morphology of the Australian ant-lions Myrmeleon diminutus and  M. pictifrons (Neuroptera: Myrmelentidae). Aus. J. Zool. 33 863-874 砂の粒度
Arnett, A.E. and N.J. Gottelli 1999 Bergumann's rule in the ant lion Myrmeleon immaculatus DeGeer (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae): geographic variation
 in body size and heterozygosity.
J. Biogeography 26 275-283 幼虫サイズ
Arnett, A.E. and N.J. Gottelli 1999 Geographic variation in life-history traits of the ant lion, Myrmeleon immaculatus: evolutionary implications of Bergumann's rule. Evolution 53 1180-1188  
Arnett, A.E. and N.J. Gottelli 2001 Pit-building decisions of larval ant lions: Effects of larval age, temperature, food, and population source. J. Insect Behav. 14 89-97  
Arnett, A.E. and N.J. Gottelli 2003 Bergumann's rule in larval ant lions: testing the starvation resistance hypothesis. Ecol. Ent. 28 645-650  
Baeckström, P 9 1989 Structures, absolute configurations, and syntheses of volatile signals from three sympatric ant-lion species, Euroleon nostras, Grocus bore
 and Myrmeleon formicarius
 (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae).
J. Chemical Ecology 15 61-80 成虫、性フェロモン
Banks, N. 1911 Notes on African Myrmeleonidae. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 4 1-29 成虫、分類
Banks, N. 1927 Revision of the Nearctic Myrmeleonidae. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Univ. 68 1-84  
Bergström, G. 7 1992 Species-specific, two-component, volatile signals in two sympatric ant-lion species: Synclysis baetica and Acanthaclisis occitania. J. Chemical Ecology 18 1177-1188 成虫、性フェロモン
Boake, C.R.P., D. Andow and P.K. Vissgher 1984 Spacing of ant-lions and their pits. Am. Midl. Nat. 111 192-194 巣穴の空間分布
Botz, J.T. 2003 Effects of slope and particle size on ant locomotion: implications for choice of substrate by antlions. J. Kansas Ent. Soc. 76 426-435 砂の粒度
Burgress, M.G. 2009 Sub-optimal pit construction in predatory ant lion larvae (Myrmeleon sp.) J. Theoretical Biology 260 379-385  
Cain, M.L. 1987 Prey capture behavior and diel movement of Brachynemurus (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) antlion larvae in south central Florida. Florida Entomologist 70 397-400 非営巣性アリジゴクの行動
Day, M.D. and Zalucki, M.P. 2000 Effect of density on spatial distribution, pit formation and pit diameter of Myrmeleon acer Walker  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) : patters and process. Austral Ecology 25 58-64 密度効果
Devetak, D. 1985 Detection of substrate vibrations in the antlion larvae, Myrmeleon formicarius  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) . Biol. Vestn. 33 11-22 振動による餌認識
Devetak, D. 2005 Effects of larval antlions Euroleon nostras (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) and their pits on the escape-time of ants. Physiological Entomology 30 1-5 アリの巣穴からの逃避時間
Devetak, D. 2008 Substrate particle size-preference of wormlion Diptera: Vermileonidae) larvae and their interaction with antlions. Eur. J. Ent. 105 631-635 アリジゴクとアナホリアブの環境選択
Devetak, D., B. Mencinger-Vracko, A. Spernjak and M. Devetak 2007 Capture success in pit-building antlion Euroleon nostras (Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785) (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae)  depends on the presence of pits,
sand particle size and transmission of vibratory signals: a mini-review.
Ann. Mus.civ. St. nat. Ferrara 8 161-165  
Devetak, D., Lipovsek, S. and M. Pabst 2010 Larval morphology of the antlion Neuroleon microstenus (McLachlan, 1988) (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) , with notes on larval biology.  Zoolotaxa 2428 55-63 非営巣性アリジゴクの行動
Dobosz, R. 1993 Remarks on Myrmeleon bore Tjeder, with new localities from Poland and North Korea  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) . Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum, Entomology 4 53-58 M. boreの分布
Eisner, T., I.T. Baldwin and J. Conner 1993 Circumvention of prey defense by a predator: Ant lion vs. ant. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. UAS 90 6716-6720 アリジゴクとアリの攻防
El-Hamoley, H., S. Zalat and S. GradAllah 2000 Cladistic analysis of the antlions (Family: Myrmeleontidae) of Egypt. Egyptian J. Ent. 2 85-96 エジプトのアリジゴクの分類
Elimelech, E. and B. Pinshow 2008 Variation in food availability influences prey-capture method in antlion larvae. Ecol. Ent. 33 652-662 全身歩行可の巣穴形成種
Elofsson, R. and J. Löfqvist 1974 The Eltringham organ and a new thoracic gland: Ultrastructure and presumed pheromone function (Insecta, Myrmeleontidae) . Zoologica Scripta 3 31-40 性フェロモン排出器?の微細構造
Eltringham, H. 1926 On the structure of an organ in the hind-wing of Myrmeleon nostras, Fourc. Trans. Ent. Soc. London 74 267-268 ウスバカゲロウ類オスにみられる後翅付け根の突起物
Eltz, T. 1997 Foraging in the ant-lion Myrmeleon mobilis Hagen 1888  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae): Behavioral flexibility of a sit-and-wait predator. J. Insect Behav. 10 1-11 巣穴移動
Farji-Brener, A.G. 2003 Microhabitat selection by antlion larvae, Myrmeleon crudelis: Effect of soil particle size on pit-trap design and prey capture. J. Insect Behav. 16 783-796 砂の粒度による環境選択
Farji-Brener, A.G., D. Carvajal, M.G. Gei, J. Olano and J. D. Sanchez 2008 Direct and indirect effects of soil structure on the density of an antlion larva in a tropical dry forest.  Ecol. Ent. 33 183-188 密度に対する土壌構造の直接・間接作用
Fertin, A. and J. Casas 2006 Efficiency of antlion trap construction. J. Experimental Biology 209 3510-3315  
Fisher, M. 1989 Ant-lion life cycles in Nigeria. J. Tropical Ecology 5 247-250 生活史
Freitag, S. and M.W. Mansell  1997 The distribution and protection status of selected antlion species  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) in South Africa. African Entomology 5 205-216  
Friheden, J. 1973 Morphological characteristics of north-European Myrmeleontid larvae (Neuroptera). Ent. scand. 4 30-34 3種幼虫の形態比較
Furunishi, S. and S. Masaki 1981 Photoperiodic response of the univoltine ant-lion Myrmeleon formicarius  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Kontyû 49 653-667 1化性アリジゴクの光周反応
Furunishi, S. and S. Masaki 1982 Seasonal life cycle in two species of ant-lion (NEUROPTERA: Myrmeleontidae). Jpn. J. Ecol. 32 7-13 2種アリジゴクの生活史
Furunishi, S. and S. Masaki 1983 Photoperiodic control of development in the ant-lion Hagenomyia micans  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Entmol. Gener. 9 51-62 生活史に対する光周的制御
Gatti, M.G. and A.G.F. Farji-Brener 2002 Low density of ant lion larva (Myrmeleon crudelis) in ant-acacia clearings: High predation risk or inadequate substrate? Biotropica 34 458-462 巣穴密度
Glenn, S. and D. Holway 2008 Consumption of introduced prey by native predators: Argentine ants and pit-building ant lions. Biol. Invasions 10 273-280 アリジゴクとアルゼンチンアリ
Gotelli, N.J. 1993 Ant lion zones: Causes of high-density predator aggregations Ecology 74 226-237 環境選択
Gotelli, N.J. 1996 Ant community structure: Effects of predatory ant lions Ecology 77 630-638 アリジゴクとアリの攻防
Gotelli, N.J. 1997 Competition and coexistence of larval ant lions. Ecology 78 1761-1773 巣穴密度
Green, G.W. 1955 Temperature relations of ant-lion larvae  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Can. Ent. 87 441-459 巣穴温度
Griffiths, D. 1980 The feeding biology of ant-lion larvae: Prey capture, handling time and utilization. J. Anim. Ecol. 49 99-125 摂食生態
Griffiths, D. 1980 The feeding biology of ant-lion larvae: Growth and survival in Morter obscurus. Oikos 34 364-370 成長、生存率
Griffiths, D. 1981 Sub-optimal foraging in the ant-lion Macroleon quinquemaculatus. J. Anim. Ecol. 50 697-702 捕食戦略
Griffiths, D. 1982 Tests of alternative models of prey consumption by predators, using ant-lion larvae. J. Anim. Ecol. 52 363-373 捕食戦略
Griffiths, D. 1985 Phenology and larval-adult size relation in the ant-lion Macroleon quinquemaculatus. J. Anim. Ecol. 54 573-581 生活環および体サイズ
Griffiths, D. 1986 Pit construction by ant-lion larvae: A cost-benefit analysis. J. Anim. Ecol. 55 39-57 巣穴移動
Griffiths, D. 1991 Food availability and the use and storage of fat by ant-lion larvae. Oikos 60 162-172 餌捕食量
Griffiths, D. 1991 Intraspecific competition in larvae of the ant-lion Morter sp. and interspecific interactions with Macroleon quinquemaculatus. Ecol. Ent. 16 193-201 種内、種間競争
Griffiths, D. 1992 Interference competition in ant-lion (Macroleon quinquemaculatus) larvae. Ecol. Ent. 17 219-226 相互干渉
Griffiths, D. 1993 Intraspecific competition in ant-lion (Macroleon quinquemaculatus) larvae in the field. Oecologia 93 531-537 餌条件と密度
Gullette, L., K.L.Hollis and A. Markarian 2009 Learning in a sedentary insect predator: Antlions (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) anticipate a long wait. Behavioural Processes 80 224-232 振動による餌認識
Halloran, M.H. M.A. Carrel and J.E. Carrei 2000 Instability of sandy soil on the Lake Wales Ridge affects burrowing by wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) and antlions  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Florida Entomologist 83 48-55  
Haub, J.G. 1942 The pit-building activities of Ohio ant-lions. Ohio J. Sci. 42 113-116 巣穴形成とアリジゴクサイズ、温度
Hauber, M.E. 1999 Variation in pit size of antlion (Myrmeleon carolinus) larvae: The importance of pit construction. Physiological Entomology 34 37-40 鳥による捕食情報
Heads, S.W., D.M. Martill and R.F. Loveridge 2005 An exceptionally preserved antlion (Insecta, Neuroptera) with colour pattern preservation from the Cretaceous of Brazil. Paleontology 48 1409-1417 分類
Heang, K.B. 1970 Life history of Myrmeleon celebensis McLachlan  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Indian J. Ent. 32 230-245 マレーシア、生活史
Heang, K.B. 1970 The ecology of Myrmeleon celebensis McLachlan  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Malay. Nat. J. 24 11-15 マレーシア、一般生態
Heinrich, B. and M.J.E. Heinrich 1984 The pit-trapping foraging strategy of the ant lion, Myrmeleon immaculatus DeGeer  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 14 151-160 捕食戦略
Hennig, H.F-K.O. 1990 Proteolytic enzyme reaction of myrmeleontid larvae on caterpillars, with a supplementary note on ant-lion biology  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Advances in Neuropterology   191-195 餌の消化;交尾写真あり
Hölzel, H. 1986 Biogeography of Palearctic Myrmeleonidae (Neuropteroidea: Planipennia). Recent Research in Neuropterology   53-70 ウスバカゲロウ科の分類
Inacio, P.K.L., Bede, L.C. and de Faria, M.L. 1993 Asymmetric competition in a natural population of antlion larvae. Oikos 68 525-530 巣穴の空間分布
Jenkins, B. and R.L. Kitching 1987 Component analysis and modeling of the movement process: The interaction between ants and ant-lions. Aust. J. Zool. 35 313-318  
Jenkins, B.A. 1994 The behavioural response of the antlion Myrmeleon pictifrons to a sudden change in prey capture rate. Acta Ecologica 15 231-240 巣穴移動と捕食頻度
Kitching, R.L. 1984 Some biological and physical determinants of pit size in larvae Myrmeleon pictifrons of Gerstaecker  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). J. Aust. ent. Soc. 23 179-184 砂の物理学的特性と巣穴形態
Klein, B.G. 1982 Pit construction by ant-lion larvae: Influences of soil illumination and soil temperature. J. New York ent. Soc. 90 26-30 土壌温度、照度
Kuwayama, S. 1959 On the genera Myrmeleon and Grocus in Japan and adjacent territories. Kontyû 27 66-69 近縁3種の形態比較
Kuwayama, S. 1962 A revisional synopsis of the Neuroptera in Japan. Pacific Insects 4 325-412 日本産脈翅目・分類
Kuwayama, S. 1964 On the Neuroptera of the Ryukyus. Insecta Matsumurana 27 38-48 沖縄の脈翅目・分類
Linton, M.C. 他6 1991 Pit relocation by antlion larvae: A simple model and laboratory test. Evolutionary Ecology 5 93-104 捕食頻度と空間分布
Löfqvist J. and G. Bergström 1980 Nerol-derived volatile signals as a biochemical basis for reproductive isolation between sympatric populations of three species of ant-lions  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Insect. Biochem. 10 1-10 成虫、フェロモン様物質
Loiterton, S.J. and R.D. Magrath 1996 Substrate type affects partial prey consumption by larvae of the antlion Myrmeleon acer  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Aust. J. Zool. 44 589-597 砂の粒度と摂食量
Lomascolo, S. and A.G. Farji-Brener 2001 Adaptive short-term changes in pit design by antlion larvae (Myrmeleon sp.) in response to different prey conditions. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 13 393-397 巣穴構造
Loria, R., I. Scharf, A. Subach and O. Ovadia  2008 The interplay between foraging mode, habitat structure, and predator presence in antlions. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 62 1185-1192 営巣性と非営巣性種の対捕食者への反応比較
Lucas, J.R. 1982 The biophysics of pit construction by antlion larvae  (Myrmeleon, Neuroptera). Anim. Behav. 30 651-664 巣穴形成の物理学
Lucas, J.R. 1985 Partial prey consumption by antlion larvae. Anim. Behav. 33 945-958  
Lucas, J.R. 1985 Metabolic rates and pit-construction cost of two antlion species. J. Anim. Ecol. 54 295-309 2種アリジゴクの呼吸率比較
Lucas, J.R. 1986 Antlion pit construction and kleptoparasitic prey. The Florida Entomologist 69 701-710 アリによる餌の盗み寄生
Lucas, J.R. 1989 Differences in habitat use between two pit-building antlion species: causes and consequences. Am. Midl. Nat. 121 84-98 2種アリジゴクの環境選択の比較
Lucas, J.R. 1989 The structure and function of antlion pits: slope asymmetry and predator-prey interactions. Anim. Behav. 38 318-330 巣穴構造と粒度
Lucas, J.R. and H.J. Brockmann 1981 Predatory interactions between ants and antlions (Hymenoptera: Formicidae and Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 54 228-232 アリの逆襲
Lucas, J.R. and L.A. Stange 1981 Key and descriptions to the Myrmeleon larvae of Florida  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). The Florida Entomologist 64 207-216  
Mackey, A.P. 1988 Records of two little known nymphidae (Neuroptera) from central Queesland. Aust.ent. Mag. 15 58 ニンフカゲロウ
Mackey, A.P. 1988 Phenology of some Myrmeleontoid (Neuroptera) species from Rockhampton (entral Queensland). Aust.ent. Mag. 15 87-90 ライトトラップによる捕獲記録
Makarkin, V.N. 1990 A check-list of the Neuroptera-Planipennia of the USSR Far East, with some taxonomic remarks. Acta Zoologica 36 37-45 極東ロシアでのウスバカゲロウ科の分布
Mansell, M.W. 1986 Southern African ant-lion. Antenna 10 121-124 ウスバカゲロウ科の種数
Mansell, M.W. 1985 The ant-lions of southern Africa  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Introduction and genus Bankisus. J. ent. Soc. Afri. 48 189-212 南アフリカのウスバカゲロウ類
Mansell, M.W. 1988 The pitfall trap of the Australian ant-lion Callistoleon illustris (Gerstaecker)  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae): an evolutionary advance. Aust. J. Zool. 36 351-356 溝掘りアリジゴク
Mansell, M.W. 1999 Evolution and succcess of antlions  (Neuropterida: Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae) Stapfia 60 49-58 Myrmeleonの世界的分布
Mathews, W.H. 1950 Notes on the ant-lions of the sub-family Myrmeleontinae. Western Australian Naturalist 2 64-66 オーストラリアのオオウスバカゲロウ
Matsuda,K., H. Suzuki, F. Nakanishi, K. Shio, K. Komai and K. Nishimura 1995 Purification and characterization of a paralytic polypeptide from larvae of Myrmeleon bore. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 215 167-171 共生細菌の毒素
Matsura, T. 1986 The feeding ecology of the pit-making ant lion larva, Myrmeleon bore: Feeding rate and species composition of prey in a habitat. Ecol. Res. 1 15-24 餌の捕食率と種類
Matsura, T. 1987 An experimental study on the foraging behavior of a pit-building antlion larva, Myrmeleon bore. Res. Popul. Ecol. 29 17-26 捕食行動
Matsura, T. and H. Takano 1989 Pit-relocation of antlion larvae in relation to their density. Res. Popul. Ecol. 31 225-234 密度と巣穴移動
Matsura, T. and R. Kitching 1993 The structure of the trap and trap-building behaviour in Callistoleon manselli New (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae).  Aust. J. Zool. 41 77-84 溝掘りアリジゴクの巣穴形成行動
Matsura, T. and T. Murao   1994 Comparative study on the behavioral response to starvation in three species of antlion larvae (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae).  J. Insect Behav. 7 873-884 アリジゴクの飢餓に対する行動的反応
Matsura, T. Y. Yamaga and M. Itoh 2005 Substrate selection for pit making and oviposition in an antlion, Myrmeleon bore Tjeder, in terms of sand particle size. Entomological Science 8 347-353 砂の粒度による産卵選択
Matsura, T., H. Ohno and M. Sakamoto 1998 Rate of parasitism of the antlion larvae, Myrmeleon bore (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) by the bee fly, Villa myrmeleonostena (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Entomological Science 1 321-325 アリジゴクツリアブによる寄生率
Matsura, T., T. Satomi and K. Fujiharu 1991 Control of the life cycle in a univoltine antlion, Myrmeleon bore (Neuroptera). Jpn. J. Ent. 59 275-287 生活環の調節
Matsura, T., Y. Arahori, M. Higashi and Y. Ogasawara 2001 Ecological characteristics of oviposition and eggs in the antlions living in seaside dunes: Tolerance to high temperature (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Entomological Science 4 17-23 海浜性アリジゴクの産卵
McClure, M.S. 1976 Spatial distribution of pit-making ant lion larvae  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae): Density effect. Biotropica 8 179-183 巣穴の空間分布
Mencinger, B. 1998 Prey recognition in larvae of the antlion Euroleon nostras  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Acta Zool. Fennica 209 157-161 振動による餌認識
Mencinger-Vracko, B. and D. Devetak 2008 Orientation of the pit-building antlion larva Euroleon  (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae) to the direction of substrate vibrations caused by prey. Zoology 111 2-8 餌認識
Miller, R.B. 1990 Reproductive characteristics of some western hemisphere ant-lions (Insecta: Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Advances in Neuropterology (Proc. of 3rd International sympo. on Neuropterology)   171-179 産卵行動
Missirian, G.L., M.A. Uchoa-Fermandes and E. Fisher 2006? Development of Myrmeleon brasiliensis (Navas)  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae), in laboratory, with different natural diets. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 23 1044-1050 餌の種類と成長
Morisita, M. 1971 Measuring of habitat value by the "environmental density" method. Statistical Ecology, 1. Spatial patterns, and stastical distributions.   379-401  
Morrison, L.W. 2004 Spatiotemporal variation in antlion  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) density and impacts on ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and generalized arthropod foraging. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 97 913-922  
Napolitano, J.F. 1998 Predatory behavior of a pit-making antlion, Myrmeleon mobilis  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Florida Entomologist 81 562-566 餌捕獲行動
New, T. and T. Matsura 1993 New species of Callistoleon Banks (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae).  J. Aust. ent. Soc. 32 93-96 溝掘りアリジゴクの新種記載
New, T.R. 1985 A revision of the Australian Myrmeleontidae (Insecta: Neuroptera). I. Introduction, Myrmeleontini, Protoplectrini. Aust. J. Zool. Suppl. 104 1-90 オーストラリア産ウスバカゲロウ類の分類
New, T.R. 1985 A revision of the Australian Myrmeleontidae (Insecta: Neuroptera). II. Dendroleontini. Aust. J. Zool. Suppl. 105 1-170  
New, T.R. 1986 A revision of the Australian Myrmeleontidae (Insecta: Neuroptera). III. Distoleontini and Acanthaclisinae. Aust. J. Zool. Suppl. 106 1-156  
New, T.R. 1986 A review of the biology of Neuroptera Planipennia. Neuroptera International suppl.  1 1-57 ウスバカゲロウ科の総説
New, T.R. 1986 Distribution of the Australian Myrmeleontidae (Insecta, Neuroptera). Recent Research in Neuropterology. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Neuropterology in Hamburg   71-76  
New, T.R. 1986 A preliminary comparison of the Neuroptera of Australia and New Guinea. Recent Research in Neuropterology. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Neuropterology in Hamburg   125-130  
Okamoto, H. 1910 Die Myrmeleoniden Japans. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 29 275-300 ホシウスバカゲロウ属の記載
Poiner, G.O. and L.A. Stange 1996 A new antlion from Dominica amber  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Experienta 52 383-386 琥珀中のアリジゴク
Ren, D. and M.S. Engel 2008 A second antlion from the Mesozoic northeastern China  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Alavesia 2 183-186 ウスバカゲロウ科成虫の新種化石
Rong, B. and X. Wang 2006 Two new species of Myrmeleon Linnaeus, 1767  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) from China, with a key to Chinese species. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 108 125-130 中国のMyrmeleon
Scharf, I. and O. Ovadia 2006 Factors influencing site abandonment and site selection in a sit-and-wait predator: A review of pit-building antlion larvae. J. Insect Behav. 19 197-218 巣穴移動
Scharf, I., A. Subach and O. Ovadia 2008 Foraging behaviour and habitat selection in pit-building antlion larvae in constant light or dark conditions. Anim. Behav. 76 2049-2057 明暗条件と捕食行動
Scharf, I., B. Golan and O. Ovadia 2009 The effect of sand depth, feeding regime, density, and body mass on the foraging behaviour of a pit-building antlion. Ecol. Ent. 34 26-33 捕食行動と環境条件
Scharf, I., E.D. Barkae and O. Ovadia 2010 Response of pit-building antlions to repeated unsuccessful encounters with prey. Anim. Behav. 79 153-158 捕食行動
Scharf, I., I. Fillin and O. Ovadia 2009 A trade-off between growth and starvation endurance in a pit-building antlion. Oecologia 160 453-460  
Scharf, I., I. Fillin, A. Subach and O. Ovadia 2009 A morphological and life history comparison between desert populations of a sit-and-pursue antlion, in reference to a co-occurring pit-building antlion. Naturwissenshaften 96 1147-1156 営巣性と非営巣性種の比較
Scharf, I., Y. Hollender, A. Subach and O. Ovadia 2008 Effect of spatial pattern and microhabitat on pit construction and relation in Myrmeleon hyalinus  (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) larvae.  Ecol. Ent. 33 337-345 巣穴移動
Scharf, I., Y. Lubin and O. Ovadia 2011 Foraging decisions and behavioural flexibility in trap-building predators: A review. Biological Reviews 86 629-639 捕食行動・総説
Simberloff, D. 1979 Nearest neighbor assessments of spatial configurations of circles rather than points. Ecology 60 679-685 巣穴分布
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